Automatic Stainer
TR-180型生物组织全自动染色机作为自动化 制片处理设备完美配置必备的仪器,设计先 进、功能强大、使用方便、安全可靠,可有 效避免人工染色的误差,提高制片质量。应 用新一代环保设计理念,采用双重净化功能 和光触媒材料以及活性炭吸附全密封内循环 过滤,确保工作人员不受有毒气体的侵害, 是二类甲等医院评审的得分项设备之一。
TR-180 the living creatures organizing full-automatic dyeing machine is a kind of to the animals, the plant and the human body cell carry on the instrument of the normal regulations dyeing. That machine adopting the computer programme control system without the contact liquid infection equip, can carry out dye whole lead with control. The function is well-found, the function is dependable, operate simple, can used for the clinical pathology analysis and animal,the plant cell research extensively.
The air decontamination equip. Applied new generation environmental protection design principle, adopt dual decontamination function application a medium material by the light touching to anticipate live to adsorb all seal completely inside filter circularly, insure staff's health .
Built-in latest baking sheet patented technology ,each slide for drying after washing treatment ensure that all cylinders reagent
泰维科技 www.taiva.com.cn |