Pathological Imaging Workstation
升级版病理图文系统基于在windows操作系统上而开发的,采用新一代64位CPU处理器,Intel双核“双 心”动力,可自由应用于win98、win2000、winXP操作系统,从而实现对高端硬件及系统的高兼容性, 使图像处理速度更快,颜色成像更真实准确。独创的自定义报告式样,更满足了不同医院的各种个性化要 求,是一款真正随心所欲的图像系统。具有操作简便,测量参数多,光密度测量准确,自动批处理方便, 图文报告打印快捷,数据库通用性能好等优点。病理图文系统的推出,为临床病理科、检验科及所有依赖 显微镜的科技工作者提供了具有划时代意义的先进工具。
In order to satisfy the need of a large number of image worker in the realm of medical treatment .
Our company applies an advanced computer technique, the pathologic medical science image work station of the image processing technique and the network technique development, can connect with various microscope, don't need to make any change to move to the original machine. To carry out digital change with connect to standardize and the network manage, make hospital with the smaller investment enter the field of based pathology diagnosis .
泰维科技 www.taiva.com.cn |